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Tenders launched for metro project in Baghdad and Najaf – Karbala railway line

Iraq's National Investment Commission has launched tenders for the planning, financing, construction, operation, maintenance, and transfer of a metro system for Baghdad and a 90 km line between Najaf and Karbala. The plans for the Baghdad Metro envisage a 150 km network with seven lines and 64 stations. The costs are estimated at €2.3 billion (US$2.5 billion). The driverless metros will have gold and tourist class cars, as well as a car for women and children, and will be suitable for passengers with reduced mobility. The second project comprises a line from Najaf International Airport via Najaf city centre and Karbala International Airport to the centre of Karbala. Interested parties are invited to submit a feasibility study, project details, financing plan, timetable, and information on previous similar projects. The government commissioned international consultants to review the bids and make recommendations regarding the best offers.