
JICA provides €833 million for East-West MRT line in Jakarta

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed an agreement with the Indonesian government on 13th May 2023 to provide up to €833 million (JPY 140.7 billion) for the first phase of the East-West Line MRT metro project in Jakarta. The loan has an annual interest rate of 0.3% and 0.2% for consultancy services and is repayable over 40 years with a ten-year grace period. The East-West Line will run a total of 84.1 km from Balaraja to Cikalang. The JICA loan will finance civil works, track laying, electrical and mechanical systems, the construction of a depot and consultancy services including basic design and construction supervision for the first phase, which covers 24.5 km from Tomang to Medan Satria. JICA will also fund the procurement of 184 metro cars and the basic design of the 9.2 km second stage of the first phase from Kembangan to Tomang and the second phase comprising the Balaraja – Kembangan and Medan Satria – Cikalang sections totalling 50.4 km. The first phase is scheduled to open in June 2031. The total cost of the works amounts to around €4.4 billion. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2025.